Work of Francesca Papa

The residency aims to get to know and test the artistic work of the choreographer Claudia Dias through the filming of some devices used in the show UMA TREMENDA CAMINHADA, part of the larger project A COLEÇÃO DO MEU PAI.
A TREMENDOUS WALK develops starting from one of the neorealist books from Anselmo Dias's collection: The Jungle, by Ferreira de Castro. The phrase "a tremendous journey of the dispossessed over the centuries", which we read in the preface to the work, was the starting point for the construction of this show. What walk is it? The journey in search of work and a better life. It's a work-focused show. With two Brazilian performers, Una Tremenda Camminata tells the intersection between individual history and collective history: in scenes bodies that carry the weight of those who have already completed the journey of emigration to a new country. They carry your journey and that of many others who have done it before you. They also carry the burden of exploitation, labor slavery and colonialism. These words resonate in this piece as keys to the deconstruction of a way of thinking and being, of a normative thought that is still
present in current times and which affects us.
The product of the artistic residency will be presented on April 27, 2025 within the OTOUV exhibition, dedicated to the Emptiness Atelier.
is a choreographer, performer and teacher. She began her dance training at Academia Almadense, received a scholarship from Companhia de Dança de Lisboa, completed the Contemporary Dance Performers Training Course at Forum Dança, and attended the Masters in Performing Arts at the Nova University of Lisbon. She began her work as a
performer in the Almada Dance Group. During the 1990's she was part of the
Ninho de Viboras collective. Working in João Fiadeiro's Re.Al company, she
became a central performer in Fiadeiro's creative strategy, and in the
development, systematization and transmission of the Real Time Composition
She created the works: Feedback, E. U. (Interview Me Urgently), Get together 2
by 2, Eagles don't Doves, Per Ti, Histum, One Woman Show, Guided Visit,
Things are born from things, Willingness to have, 23 + 1 and Not everything we
say has to be done nor everything we do has to be said. She was an associate
artist of Re.Al and Espaço do Tempo, and also artist-in-residence at Alkantara.
She has published texts in the magazines Boa União and Woman On Scene
and in the books Correspondencias.Bad and Escenas do Cambio.
She received the Young Creator's Award by Clube Português de Artes e Ideias
in 1998, and was nominated for the Best Choreography Award in 2013 and
2017 by the Portuguese Authors Society.
Since 2015, she has been developing the Seven Years Seven Pieces project,
which has been touring Europe extensively, assuming the roles of artistic
direction, creation, interpretation, writing and education.