An educational / pedagogical / artistic proposal at the service of adolescents and teachers.
An interdisciplinary approach that combines reflection and thought, with the action of the expressive body conveyed by the arts, and which aims to accompany young people to a healthy and conscious use of technological means through a re-appropriation of the body. The project adapts to different contexts and needs, integrating tools, techniques and teachers belonging to different artistic and scientific fields.
Here are some realizations of the path, in different contexts.
The “Impronte Digitali” project stems from the many years of experience of the Youth Unit of the Municipality of Bologna, which in the post-pandemic period felt the need to activate new paths to allow young people to find alternative spaces for relationships, growth and learning. Funded by ANCI call, the project is aimed at 32 young people between 16 and 19 years, involving them in a program of skills development and growth actions, in particular on digital communication, through the creation of workshops in non-formal contexts: video editing , social communication and web journalism, radio and podcasts, soundwalking, theatrical experiences and outdoor sports activities.
The course will develop starting from November and will end in early July, engaging the selected groups of children with two short weekly afternoon appointments. All the activities will be carried out and followed by two reference tutors, in collaboration with the partner associations of Impronte Digitali: DAS, Architectures of Bodies, Libera Bologna, Mosaico di Solidarity ONLUS, Nove Punti, Dry-Art, ACLI Provinciali Bologna, Dedalus.
Through the tools provided, we intend to accompany young people in a process of self-representation as citizens capable of developing social utility for the community, as well as to strengthen their interpersonal skills, so that they become protagonists of their territory and bearers of new gazes.
CARONTE | 2019
Winning project of the "Della morte e del Morire" competition of the Associazione Dello Scompiglio.
Duration : 4 preliminary meetings at the high school, 10 residential days at La Tenuta dello Scompiglio.
Group : 12 children aged 15 to 18
Methods of work : investigation on the theme of death and dying through the tools of physical theater, anthropology, musical creation.
Teachers: A. Albertarelli & N. Vandini body management and coordination, M. Nicoletti anthropologist; R. Passuti sound education, music production and technical coordination.
Result : at the Scompiglio estate, Lucca, in the program of the "Della Morte e del Morire" review.
INSIDE <> OUTSIDE @TPO | 2019-20

Duration : 1 year, 3 monthly meetings of 2 hours
Group : 10 children aged 15 to 18
Working methods: investigation of virtual reality through investigation practices on the differences between "virtual corporeality" and "real corporeality".
Teachers: A. Albertarelli & N. Vandini direction of corporeality and coordination; R. Passuti sound education, music production and technical coordination; Roberto Ruager, photographic project and graphic production.
Inside> <Outside
performance, dialogue, installation | 2020
The public restitution "Infinite Warfare" is born from the permanent INSIDE> <OUTSIDE laboratory focused on physical theater, dance and new technologies.
Body section art direction by Anna Albertarelli and Nuvola Vandini
Art direction of the technological section of Roberto Passuti
With Federico Curti, Andrea Franchini, Giovanni Occhialini, Thomas Passuti, Fabio Rizzi, Enrico Zappoli
Photographic documentation by Roberto Ruager
Curated by Maria Donnoli

@ Aldini Valeriani Institute, Bologna | 2019
Project supported by the Municipality of Bologna, Education Education Area e
New Generations call for co-design 2019.
Duration : over two classes, 8 meetings with each class, of 2 hours
Group : 25 children aged 15 to 18
Working methods: in one class, the work focused on the expression of emotions, while in the other on the theme of environmental sustainability, through the use of the body and mobile phones as an expressive production device,
Teachers: A. Albertarelli & N. Vandini direction of corporeality and coordination; R.Passuti & V. Scorza sound education, music production and technical coordination.
Design and Organization : Maria Donnoli
Outcome : production by the boys of the two videos presented on the sidelines.